Are you aware of the constant stream of thinking that's running through your mind? ...the internal dialogue that you're having with yourself?
There seems to be a voice offering commentary on what you're doing all day long.
The messages and narratives you received growing up conditioned your mind. Now, the voice inside seems to be reiterating the rules and regulations... from your parents, teachers, religious leaders and cultural influences.
Young children are in the same trance-like state of receptivity that hypnosis induces. Prior to age 7, the frontal lobe is not developed, so those messages were deposited directly into the subconscious mind.
The well-meaning adults in your life did their best to pass along their wisdom.
Most were well intended in offering protection and guidance.
Many of those messages and narratives are cycling through the mind unbeknownst to you, an unconscious default program.
Unless you've taken inventory, they're running when your conscious mind is occupied, about 95% of the time.
Most of these messages are limiting, no longer serve, keep you stuck, blocked and scared.
Bringing these beliefs into the light of awareness to be examined is one ways to address them.
Hypnotherapy is another way.
Both bring you back into alignment with your true nature.
Issues around self worth, self sabotage, self doubt, fears, phobias, addictions keep you from living freely.
When the pain outweighs the fear, you're ready.