Hapé is a sacred medicine and powerful plant ally. It is a master at grounding our consciousness straight back into the body regardless of what anxiety, irritability, anger or impatience is presenting. Hape' not only grounds energetically but clears and calms the nervous system, cleanses the pineal gland and activates the third eye and crown chakra.
Hapé, or rapé,’ is pronounced ‘haa-pay’ in English. It is used for deep connection to the spirits, animals and Mother Nature. It is made with small tobacco leaves NOT grown for commercialization or genetically hybridized with high amounts of nicotine, and therefore has none of the negative properties that commercial cigarettes have. Instead, it is grown and made in deep reverence for tobacco and for Mother Earth.
Tobacco is a powerful plant with the power to heal or harm. It is highly revered by the Native people of the Amazon forest and is said to be a Grandfather medicine with ancient wisdom and the ability to carry our prayers and intentions. This sacred medicine is made in ceremony out of various Amazonian healing medicinal plants, leaves, trees and seeds from native lands. It is cleansing and powerful healing aide for the body, mind, and soul. Benefits of Hapé *Opens up the 3rd eye and de-calcifies the pineal gland which naturally hardens and calcifies with age. *Purifies and cleanses the sinuses and respiratory track. Can help heal sinus issues and reduce mucus. *Supports the digestive system, moves the bowels *Offers energetic protection that comes from connecting with the tobacco plant, an ally for strength, clarity, and focus. *Connects you to the Earth, is grounding, centering. *Clears negativity and stills the mind