What is all the fuss about?
Yoga studios are opening up on every corner...
People exchanging their favorite studios, teachers and videos... Is this another fad exercise... or does it actually have something to offer that could improve the quality of your life?
In a word, yes.
The practice conditions your physical body through breath and movement, whilst conditioning your mental body through breath to stillness. It awakens your energetic body by directing your attention inward. When attention goes, energy flows. You win.
The mental benefits are my favorite.
By committing to a particular way of breathing in the asanas (postures), the body strengthens it's alignment to the parasympathetic side of your nervous system allowing you to experience deeper levels of relaxation.
Besides feeling calmer and more connected to yourself when you leave class, over time you'll see a steady increase in feelings of joy and spontaneity.
This practice allows you to release emotional tension, stuck energy and mental rigidity bringing you back to more authentic aspects of who you are.
We become kinder, more loving and at peace with what is.
Everyone wins.