I'd like to challenge your perspective on the way you see this commonly diagnosed personality disorder.
Consider that the makings of a narcissist begins when a critical stage of childhood development becomes thwarted.
We come into this world with an innate desire to give, to express and to contribute.
If this desire was rejected, belittled or ignored, the child comes to irrational conclusions about themselves.
Conclusions like... "nobody loves me", "I have no value", "I'm unworthy", "I'm not good enough"... They do not see the shortcoming from their caretakers and instead make it about them.
A narcissist lives in constant fear.
They hyper control their world to avoid experiencing the pain of rejection.
Narcissists gravitate toward empaths who may be also stuck in childhood wounds, holding a complimentary vibration. Narcissist see their significant other as responsible for their salvation as well as for their suffering.
Projecting and blaming, they remain stuck in their drama.
This wounding is deep and the compensatory behavior is completely irrational. Insight is minimal to none.
They're disconnected from their true essence and work tirelessly to convince the world of their value.
Consider that the makings of a narcissist begins when a critical stage of childhood development becomes thwarted.
We come into this world with an innate desire to give, to express and to contribute.
If this desire was rejected, belittled or ignored, the child comes to irrational conclusions about themselves.
Conclusions like... "nobody loves me", "I have no value", "I'm unworthy", "I'm not good enough"... They do not see the shortcoming from their caretakers and instead make it about them.
A narcissist lives in constant fear.
They hyper control their world to avoid experiencing the pain of rejection.
Narcissists gravitate toward empaths who may be also stuck in childhood wounds, holding a complimentary vibration. Narcissist see their significant other as responsible for their salvation as well as for their suffering.
Projecting and blaming, they remain stuck in their drama.
This wounding is deep and the compensatory behavior is completely irrational. Insight is minimal to none.
They're disconnected from their true essence and work tirelessly to convince the world of their value.