Guilt - making yourself feel bad...most of the time for having done something that felt good or for avoiding something that felt bad.
Literally it's making yourself feel bad for feeling good.
Old programming.
It's actually good for you to feel good.
It's your nature. It's good for your body, your health and your expansion. That's where you're best able to manifest your desires too.
So how do we drop kick guilt and start feeling good about feeling good?
Unravel the mind's conditioning around conformity, obedience and obligation to our tribe, to our employer and to society.
It starts with awareness.
You start by catching the feeling and connecting the dots.
You're punishing yourself with harsh judgment for doing something enjoyable for yourself.
We weren't taught to follow our resonance. We were taught to obey and conform and accommodate.
Notice the sensations in the body as the mind explains why you should feel bad about doing something that feel good.
See through the irrationality. It's actually quite hilarious and insane that we ever agreed to punish ourselves for following our resonance.
Our wires certainly got crossed.
New program: it's good to feel good.
That means it's ok to say "no" when you mean no and "yes", when you do.
It won't unravel overnight but it will start to loosen up.
Allow yourself to feel good when you chose yourself over obligatory matters.
Witness without judgment.
First you wake up in the sting of the mind guilting you.
Then you notice it while it's happening.
Eventually, you're on to it, aware of it as it arises and can nip it in the bud before it starts.
You are free of one of the biggest energy drainers and ass-backward program.
You will feel yourself rising energetically, a little frisky contemplating the possibilities now available to you.
Literally it's making yourself feel bad for feeling good.
Old programming.
It's actually good for you to feel good.
It's your nature. It's good for your body, your health and your expansion. That's where you're best able to manifest your desires too.
So how do we drop kick guilt and start feeling good about feeling good?
Unravel the mind's conditioning around conformity, obedience and obligation to our tribe, to our employer and to society.
It starts with awareness.
You start by catching the feeling and connecting the dots.
You're punishing yourself with harsh judgment for doing something enjoyable for yourself.
We weren't taught to follow our resonance. We were taught to obey and conform and accommodate.
Notice the sensations in the body as the mind explains why you should feel bad about doing something that feel good.
See through the irrationality. It's actually quite hilarious and insane that we ever agreed to punish ourselves for following our resonance.
Our wires certainly got crossed.
New program: it's good to feel good.
That means it's ok to say "no" when you mean no and "yes", when you do.
It won't unravel overnight but it will start to loosen up.
Allow yourself to feel good when you chose yourself over obligatory matters.
Witness without judgment.
First you wake up in the sting of the mind guilting you.
Then you notice it while it's happening.
Eventually, you're on to it, aware of it as it arises and can nip it in the bud before it starts.
You are free of one of the biggest energy drainers and ass-backward program.
You will feel yourself rising energetically, a little frisky contemplating the possibilities now available to you.