The Wisdom of Emotions
I don’t think people realize how much sacred intelligence there is in their exhaustion, their burnout, their despair.
If you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, confusion, panic attacks…
consider them to be an invitation to the amazing, wild adventure life was meant to be.
These emotions are trying to get your attention.
They want to wake you up to the parts of you that are living in-authentically.
Your in-authentic self is what's exhausting.
Can you feel into the truth of that?
It's your resistance to these energies that's kicking your butt.
Saying no when you mean yes; yes when you mean no; stuffing and pretending and acting appropriate for a bunch of unconscious reasons that don't serve you anymore.
Repressing longings, shaming desires.
Pretending to know when you don’t or my personal favorite, pretending to not know when you do.
Trying to avoid disappointing the ones you love, betraying yourself over and over again.
Pretending to be spiritual, nice, kind, tolerant and strong, when your boiling inside.
If you could surrender to these misunderstood energies, the internal struggle would cease to exist.
If you could give expression to them, you would experience their transformative power.
ie: the soft, centered feeling after a good cry or the sweet satisfaction of giving voice to anger, or the delicious feeling of expressing love unabashedly.
You are confusing negative emotions for weakness.
Many of us drug depression, turn away from shame, avoid loneliness, repress desire.
We medicate fear not understanding the way it comes to teach. We give it names like anxiety, stress, apprehension, worry, insomnia so it justifies managing it with medication. It buys us more time to keep going, pushing, striving, achieving.
Breaking open to the truth of your life can be scary but the alternative is what you're living now and that brought you here. What was it that brought you here?
What aspect of you reached out for emotional support?
...Because the emotions were getting too hard to manage.
You got so good at pretending not to feel, that you lost your way home.
These emotions have come to show you the way back home to you.
There just baby tsunamis.
Your mind makes much too much of them.
Letting go can feel so good when you finally let them move through you.
Surrender the resistance;
Fall into despair.
You've been pushing away the thing that's trying to save you.
Let yourself die... to who you take yourselves to be.
Be with your loneliness, your vulnerability. Let your biggest most awful shame have you.
Stop avoiding yourSelf.
You don't need to know how, just be willing.
Come home to your heart and give the mind a soft place to rest.
Dare to touch the awesome fire of your Truth,
and awaken the sacred within.