Healing happens when we return to the body... when our consciousness orients from inside the body.
Most of us left our bodies for the thinking mind a long time ago. We decided at a young age that being in the body wasn't safe. We began to dissociate, numb, distract, deny and avoid.
It makes sense then, that our Presence in the body begins our healing. So, we practice. The breath and the poses in yoga can bring up strong physical sensations and discomfort that normally trigger us. Instead of bailing into the mind, we deepen our connection in the body and ride the waves of sensation. We strengthen the mind - body connection.
Training consciousness to orient from the body creates experience. We're feeling, sensing, basking, lathering, enjoying, laughing, crying, processing, releasing and moving energy.
Embodiment awakens consciousness from the trance of the mind and allows us to let life all the way in. The thinking mind is where many of us have learned to live, disconnected from our bodies and our lives.
Embodiment is a homecoming every time we choose a conscious breath. Let's practice coming home together, one breath at a time. Let's feel all of it.
At some point you'll discover an aspect of yourself smiling inside, sitting bewilderingly unaffected... peacefully witnessing, free from the turbulent mind, drinking up the experience... happy to be embodied and alive.
Most of us left our bodies for the thinking mind a long time ago. We decided at a young age that being in the body wasn't safe. We began to dissociate, numb, distract, deny and avoid.
It makes sense then, that our Presence in the body begins our healing. So, we practice. The breath and the poses in yoga can bring up strong physical sensations and discomfort that normally trigger us. Instead of bailing into the mind, we deepen our connection in the body and ride the waves of sensation. We strengthen the mind - body connection.
Training consciousness to orient from the body creates experience. We're feeling, sensing, basking, lathering, enjoying, laughing, crying, processing, releasing and moving energy.
Embodiment awakens consciousness from the trance of the mind and allows us to let life all the way in. The thinking mind is where many of us have learned to live, disconnected from our bodies and our lives.
Embodiment is a homecoming every time we choose a conscious breath. Let's practice coming home together, one breath at a time. Let's feel all of it.
At some point you'll discover an aspect of yourself smiling inside, sitting bewilderingly unaffected... peacefully witnessing, free from the turbulent mind, drinking up the experience... happy to be embodied and alive.