You are a creative being who came into this incarnation to give birth to what stirs inside you.
The process of creating is inherent to your being, hardwired into the system of who you are.
You didn't come here to get anything; you came here to give, to unabashed express and share your unique light with the world.
Personal desire is purpose driven in that it expands the collective consciousness while up-leveling the playing field of infinite possibilities.
Seeing desires come to fruition in a project, a career or relationships feels good,
but the real exhilaration comes from the process of creating.
Want what you want. Indulge the feeling.
That feeling is the secret.
That feeling places an order with your subconscious mind which then mirrors back the circumstances that match that feeling vibration.
It all happens inside of you.
When desires are opposed by beliefs, you experience cognitive dissonance.
Subconscious beliefs like "I'm undeserving" don't feel good, right?
Most of these programs are limiting, self sabotaging and responsible for much of the pain and suffering in your life.
*see the video w/Bruce Lipton on energy modalities