Central Channel Breathing

The Energy Codes is a leading thought best selling book and pioneering break through in quantum healing.
Written and taught all over the world by Dr Sue Morter the discoveries of how she blasted into the light during a random meditation. She explains that every human is an energy field of light compressing themselves into physical form.
We are spiritual beings descending into bodies to explore the human experience and evolve our consciousness.
The physical body is the most compressed form of the energy that we are. She has identified the layers of our energy field by their respective frequency.
If we decompressed our energy a little we inhabit the etheric layer just outside the body...photons dancing with electrons; if we decompress a little more...we inhabit the emotional body; decompress a bit more... we're living in the mind field...the frequency of thought forms.
Beyond these layers are infinite waves of energy expanding outward into the quantum field.
Note the color coded illustration above includes 7 chakras, consciousness spinning inside the body at various frequencies.
We enter the body as breath to activate them.
Think of this like the quick start to your owners manual.
When we first come into the body, we splatter. We get amnesia and don't really know what we're doing here. We then spend most of our lives trying to figure it out... living and learning; expanding and integrating.
Dr Morter came up with the central channel breathing to accelerate the process of integration so we can get on with living joyful and purposeful lives.
It begins by understanding that we are energetic beings...
coming into this time space reality to create, express our uniqueness and have some fun.
Nothing too serious is going on here.
Everything is serving you.
Adopt this perspective and immediately move out of victim mode.
The central channel breathing is designed to activate the consciousness in the body by fixing the wounded circuitry.
By contracting anchor point in the body at the base of the spine, the heart, the throat and the center of the brain we squeeze the breath as it's moving from the crown, out the base of the spine; then from the earth back up and out the crown.
This is the flow of every human being's toroidal field.
This internal friction corrects the gaps and the gunk in our circuitry.
Once activated we begin to project life experiences in alignment with our dreams and desires.
See the video
below where she guides you through a few rounds.
There's lots on YouTube promoting the Energy Codes science and methodology.
I've be practicing Central Channel breathing diligently for 3 months and can unequivocally report shifts in my field, increases in synchronicities and an improved sense of wellbeing.
This is Quantum Healing.
Written and taught all over the world by Dr Sue Morter the discoveries of how she blasted into the light during a random meditation. She explains that every human is an energy field of light compressing themselves into physical form.
We are spiritual beings descending into bodies to explore the human experience and evolve our consciousness.
The physical body is the most compressed form of the energy that we are. She has identified the layers of our energy field by their respective frequency.
If we decompressed our energy a little we inhabit the etheric layer just outside the body...photons dancing with electrons; if we decompress a little more...we inhabit the emotional body; decompress a bit more... we're living in the mind field...the frequency of thought forms.
Beyond these layers are infinite waves of energy expanding outward into the quantum field.
Note the color coded illustration above includes 7 chakras, consciousness spinning inside the body at various frequencies.
We enter the body as breath to activate them.
Think of this like the quick start to your owners manual.
When we first come into the body, we splatter. We get amnesia and don't really know what we're doing here. We then spend most of our lives trying to figure it out... living and learning; expanding and integrating.
Dr Morter came up with the central channel breathing to accelerate the process of integration so we can get on with living joyful and purposeful lives.
It begins by understanding that we are energetic beings...
coming into this time space reality to create, express our uniqueness and have some fun.
Nothing too serious is going on here.
Everything is serving you.
Adopt this perspective and immediately move out of victim mode.
The central channel breathing is designed to activate the consciousness in the body by fixing the wounded circuitry.
By contracting anchor point in the body at the base of the spine, the heart, the throat and the center of the brain we squeeze the breath as it's moving from the crown, out the base of the spine; then from the earth back up and out the crown.
This is the flow of every human being's toroidal field.
This internal friction corrects the gaps and the gunk in our circuitry.
Once activated we begin to project life experiences in alignment with our dreams and desires.
See the video
below where she guides you through a few rounds.
There's lots on YouTube promoting the Energy Codes science and methodology.
I've be practicing Central Channel breathing diligently for 3 months and can unequivocally report shifts in my field, increases in synchronicities and an improved sense of wellbeing.
This is Quantum Healing.