Frequently asked Questions
See why we are highly rated for Hypnosis Scottsdale, Arizona. Currently accepting patients world-wide.
1. What is the mind body connection?
The consciousness that you are connecting to your body.
The body is the expression of energy compressed into form.
2. How might hypnosis help with my medical condition?
Hypnosis changes the narratives and unconscious programming creating the physical expression, your medical condition or disease.
3. How does hypnosis work?
I will answer this from my orientation. My intention is to guide you into your heart space where you can receive the higher frequencies that allow you to awaken to the truth of who you are.
By relaxing the analytical mind, you are able to perceive from a broader perspective, align to your nature and drink from the regenerative wellspring at the core of your being.
4. What are common uses for medical hypnosis?
Migraine and tension headaches, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, anxiety, ptsd, asthma, skin rashes, hot flashes, pre-surgery, post-surgery, giving birth.
5. How is guided imagery used for medical conditions?
It is used as symptom relief, stress reduction, to facilitate healing in conjunction with traditional medicine. Ie: visualizing a rain shower of healing chemicals being released into your body, moving like liquid light into every cell, illuminating, activating, healing….
6. What does science have to say about the mind body connection?
The verdict is in. Science can prove the body is listening in on every thought you think and every word you speak and obediently responding. All dis-ease begins in the mind. The good news is now you can address the root of the misalignment rather than just treat symptoms.
7. When should medical hypnosis be used?
When a person is ready to receive assistance from the deepest, wisest part of themselves.
1. What is the mind body connection?
The consciousness that you are connecting to your body.
The body is the expression of energy compressed into form.
2. How might hypnosis help with my medical condition?
Hypnosis changes the narratives and unconscious programming creating the physical expression, your medical condition or disease.
3. How does hypnosis work?
I will answer this from my orientation. My intention is to guide you into your heart space where you can receive the higher frequencies that allow you to awaken to the truth of who you are.
By relaxing the analytical mind, you are able to perceive from a broader perspective, align to your nature and drink from the regenerative wellspring at the core of your being.
4. What are common uses for medical hypnosis?
Migraine and tension headaches, heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, anxiety, ptsd, asthma, skin rashes, hot flashes, pre-surgery, post-surgery, giving birth.
5. How is guided imagery used for medical conditions?
It is used as symptom relief, stress reduction, to facilitate healing in conjunction with traditional medicine. Ie: visualizing a rain shower of healing chemicals being released into your body, moving like liquid light into every cell, illuminating, activating, healing….
6. What does science have to say about the mind body connection?
The verdict is in. Science can prove the body is listening in on every thought you think and every word you speak and obediently responding. All dis-ease begins in the mind. The good news is now you can address the root of the misalignment rather than just treat symptoms.
7. When should medical hypnosis be used?
When a person is ready to receive assistance from the deepest, wisest part of themselves.